Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring I

sweet spring is your
time is my time is our
time for springtime is lovetime
and viva sweet love

(all the merry little birds are
flying in the floating in the
very spirits singing in
are winging in the blossoming)

lovers go and lovers come
awandering awondering
but any two are perfectly
alone there's nobody else alive

(such a sky and such a sun
i never knew and neither did you
and everybody never breathed
quite so many kinds of yes)

not a tree can count his leaves
each herself by opening
but shining who by thousands mean
only one amazing thing

(secretly adoring shyly
tiny winging darting floating
merry in the blossoming
always joyful selves are singing)

sweet spring is your
time is my time is our
time for springtime is lovetime
and viva sweet love

- e.e.cummings

Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter II: My my my it's a beautiful world

there was a time, when south america existed in my mind as one big block - to be travelled in one go over a  period of six months or a year somehow. i mean, how often are you going to fly all the way from asia and that too if your grand plan in life is to work for non profit organizations till such time that you can join the ranks of the farming kind? and so, despite my all my complaining about how far the US is from the rest of the world, and how different from what i imagined i'd be doing with my life right now and how i have (almost) no friends close by - dear boy, i am ever so thankful that this is where we live for now.

and so Colombia: a land where coffee legends are created and the whimsical coexists quite naturally with the rest of the world. the once upon a time land of pablo escobar and gabriel garcia marqeuz. a land where time stands still and history is being lived everyday.